Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why is a facial wash making my skin rough?

I started breaking out in some huge pimples so i bought an achne face wash by ';Clean %26amp; Clear'; in a pump bottle which turns into a foam lather. I use a moisturiser streight after, and iv'e notice the skin on my nose feels rough like when you have a gold and have to blow your nose constantly and it gets sore and rough. Also my forehead is kind of rough/ this drying my skin out??Why is a facial wash making my skin rough?
yes its drying your skin out. i used that once and didn't buy it again so it must have been crap. try cleaning your skin once a day in the shower and use a flannel that you change regulary with warm water and gently rub. use a gentle facial cleanser. I quite like St Ives stuff. Creamy cleansers are more gentle. You will have to experiment. i would lean away from those acne clearing type cleansers as they are quite harsh and drying. try one for sensitive skin. Also i find that clearasil extra strength acne cream in the small blue and white tube works well. That way you can treat the individual spots not your whole face. Actually i reckon that stuff is awesome and the tube lasts forever.Why is a facial wash making my skin rough?
Yes... don't use it anymore- it's too harsh for your skin.

Don't use anything on your skin- wash your face with sulphur soap (for eczema) and take vitamin B supplements- you should get better. When you rinse your face, pat dry--- try to rinse with water in the morning and with that soap at night!
I have used 'Clean %26amp; Clear' for years w/success. I use the antibacterial face wash.

However everyone is different, Use a facial scrub to remove dead skin cells first. Then moisturize w/an oil-free moisturizer. Bonne Bell has some good ones.

Start using a cleanser for sensitive skin, it may help.

Depending on where you live, the weather is changing. This also effects your skin.

Hope I helped! :)
because u r doing facial with cosmetics that's why. just keep ur face simply that God given to you, don't do experiments with this to make it more beautiful, keep satisfaction with that God given to u .

with that u wiil look beautiful 4 a long time.
Yes that is your skin drying out.

You need to use a wash for sensitive skin and your moisturizer may also be drying your skin even though thought sounds impossible.

You should purchase something a little better quality than clean and clear. I'd go to a department store or even try oil of olay. I have that problem and oil of olay works for me , but I do use higher end stuff usually. I vary back and forth from Olay to other...

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