Monday, April 26, 2010

RE: Do you ever experience muscle spasms in your facial muscles with TMJ?

I know I have been grinding my teeth, and clenching my teeth together, as I have noticed myself doing it. Lately I have had spasms in my cheek on the side where my teeth just ache, and it feels like contractions during childbirth. I have had all my teeth fixed on that side and do not believe I have decay/absess. Any ideas?RE: Do you ever experience muscle spasms in your facial muscles with TMJ?
That does sound like a TMJ issue. I have had problems with that at time and the pain can be bad at certain points. If you had any dental work done recently, it could have changed the bite enough to trigger a spasm, especially if you have been grinding to begin with.RE: Do you ever experience muscle spasms in your facial muscles with TMJ?
Well, since you know that you have been grinding your teeth, you have been over-working the TMJ muscles. Just like any other muscles in our body, the TMJ muscles will eventually become fatigue after they have been over-used. This will directly lead tender TMJ and more importantly indirect pain to all tissues associated with this joint.

My advice is to try to stop clenching your teeth when you can, and buy a night-guard from local Pharmacy store (or get one through your dentist) to prevent bruxism (grinding teeth) while you are sleeping at night.

I hope that answers your question.

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