Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Best way to reduce facial swelling?

I had my wisdom teeth taken out and now one side of my mouth is badly swollen; I must remedy this!Best way to reduce facial swelling?
There's no way to totally get rid of it but ice packs will prevent further swelling, and it might help reduce the current swelling some. Don't take anything that contains aspirin. When you lie down, keep your head elevated on pillows. Just take it easy and give it time. Don't be surprised if bruising shows up later.Best way to reduce facial swelling?
Well my face swelled up for almost two weeks!

wait a few days to see if it goes down. During those fews days rinse your mouth with salt water.

If the swelling doesn't go down then go back to your wisdom-teeth-taker-outer person and ask for a prescription for anti-bacterial pills.

Those pills did the trick for me.
ice,lots and lots of ice!!
ice and asprin helped me threw it my face was swelled up so big and brused

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