Wednesday, December 30, 2009

How can one grow his facial hair or beard,?

I have a 28 yr old friend. His hair on face or beard is not growing. His chin hairs are ok. The problem is with beard hairs on the faces.They are not growingHow can one grow his facial hair or beard,?
well, he could just do a gotee the rest of his life. seriously , my husband was the same way, till he got deployed to Iraq. HOT HOT weather made his hair grow!!! NIce for him, but i don't like facial hair.

so unless he wants to take a trip to iraq, tell him to be thankful for the gotee and leave it at that. Girls will like him for it.How can one grow his facial hair or beard,?
he needs to shave it so that he could grow beards on his face.
At that age, I would not expect new growth to take place. Using a cycle of shaving for 7 days, then letting it grow for 7 days, and repeat ; works when you are 14 to 18 or so, but at any age, it's all about genetic predisposition to growing facial hair, and having the proper amount of the proper hormones to facilitate growth.
It sounds to me like he is missing hair follicles on places on his face and there is nothing he can do about that. I had the same problem. Hair would grow in places on my face but no matter how much I shaved or let it grow it would not fill in to make a thick beard. He may have to try some transplants if he wants a beard that bad.
Shave. THe more you shave, the thicker and faster your hair will grow.
Most girls don't like facial hair anyway...

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